Global Art Agency

TIAF 2024 REVIEW - Tokyo International Art Fair 2024, Belle Salle Roppongi - 7th Edition

Thousands of art aficionados were eager to enter through the doors of Belle Salle over the weekend (Friday 29th and Saturday 30th November 2024 as Tokyo city hosted the third Tokyo International Art Fair organised by the Sakura Group.

The venue was arranged to perfection with over 100 artist and gallery stands from over 30 countries from around the world. The atmosphere was charged with positive vibes as visitors took in the wide range of original art available and took pieces they had purchased home.

Visitors were sipping away on champagne, whilst looking around to invest into a piece of original art.

Exhibitor Maki Nakana from Japan said that this was the best art fair she has ever exhibited. She was also interviewed by camera crew and received many requests.

Exhibitor Paulina’s Friends created a fantastic atmosphere the Tokyo International Art Fair 2024 and has been an amazing experience. She shown her fashion collection and wasn't sure what to expect, but was overwhelmed by all the nice comments. All in all a great event, thanks Sakura Group Team.

The weekend culminated in the announcement on Saturday afternoon of the winner of the "Best Tokyo International Art Fair Artist" in by both the panel of judges and members of the public.

First prize went to Nubian Art Gallery from Sudan. The second prize went to Mr AK from UK. The third prize went to Daryl Smith from USA. And the outstanding prize went to José Luis Ramírez Rodríguez from Mexico. You can find all details here

Organisers of the fair from the Sakura Group added their appreciation to the city's reaction to the event and the enthusiasm they found from artists and visitors alike.

"TIAF 2024 was a great success not only for the big selection of exhibitors from all around the world. It was a window of what's going on in the contemporary art world nowadays due the best artists " Tasha Curator said.

"We'll be back for more in 2025 and are already planning next year's event," they said.

For more information on next year's Tokyo International Art Fair and other forthcoming events, please visit Follow us on Instagram:

手数料なしでアーティストから直接作品を購入可能 東京国際アートフェア 今年も開催

ベルサール六本木にて 2021年10月8-9日開催





また今回は、新たに「デジタル&バーチャルアート」のセクションを設け、東京オンラインアートギャラリーを通じて海外のアーティストの作品を販売します。  このセクションのために設けられたブースでは、革新的な技術を駆使して、オンラインで作品を購入できるだけでなく、海外のアーティストに関する情報収集としても活用いただけます。展示される作品には、絵画、彫刻、写真、イラスト、ジュエリーなどがあり、アーティストに直接作品の制作を依頼することもできます。 数々の賞を受賞しているグローバル・アート・エージェンシーのキュレーター、ジーナ・ササキ・ジョンズは、今年の東京国際アートフェアは特別な意味を持っていると述べ、




メヌチャ・ペイジ - エルサレムを拠点とするユダヤ人女性アーティストで、トーラー・ユダヤ教と価値観という古代のテーマを、絵画、ドローイング、写真、木工、ガラス細工、金属細工などの現代的な芸術技術と組み合わせています。  古代のテーマと現代アートを融合させた彼女の作品は、タイムレスな本質と最先端の現代アートの技術がユニークに組み合わさっています。そのテクニックは彼女のアートに深い意味を持たせる上で重要な役割を果たしています。

パク・ナウン - 韓国人の彼女の作品は、自身を取り巻く世界を反映しており、確実性が保証されないこの時代に生きる人々の不安定な移ろいに焦点を当てています。彼女のデジタルポートレートは、環境によって変化する現代人の特徴を表しています。不確実性の高い時代に生きる私たちを説明するストーリー性のある作品の中で、強い色が人の姿を調和させています。

ヴィンチェンツォ・コロナティ& 横山玄太郎 ソラナアベニューギャラリー - ヴィンチェンツォ・コロナティは、写真、テレビ、絵画などの分野で活躍する、イタリアの学際的なコンセプチュアル・アーティストです。東京では、自然を題材に、キャンバスに絵画をプリントするアルゴリズムによる「オフ・ペインティング」の技法を用いた作品を発表します。  横山玄太郎は、日本のネオ・ポップ・セラミック・アーティストです。遊び心のある創造性が、人間の本質や魔術的リアリズムを物語る、カラフルで魅力的な作品を生み出しています。

アグネス・ルイ - 香港インターナショナル・ヤング・アーティスト・ソサエティのメンバーでもあるアグネスは、自分のアートへの愛を伝えることに情熱を注いでいます。望遠鏡で観測した星空を描いた彼女の作品は、こんなにも美しいものが常に私たちの周りにあることに気づかせ、まるで私たちを探索へと誘ってくれるようです。彼女のある絵画では、黒い部分に注目すると、そこには暗さしか感じられないかもしれませんが、その暗さは、圧倒的な色彩で構成されている絵画のほんの一部に過ぎません。

アリッサ・チャップマン - ニューヨークを拠点とするファッションデザイナーからアーティストに転身したアリッサは、ファッション・イラストレーションを専門とし、ファッションにおける芸術的表現への情熱を絵画に転換しました。彼女のポートレートや静物画は、1950年代のアメリカの黄金時代と彼女のセンスに触発され、彼女の遊び心を描いています。 彼女のとらわれない構成と、この時代を彼女なりに解釈し、ビビッドなカラーで表現したスタイルが注目を集めています。

マルコ・リハ - オーストリア出身のマルコは、現在メキシコを創作活動の拠点としています。彼の作品の多くは、自動で絵を描く技術、オートマティズムから生まれています。 オートマティズムとは、無意識のうちに素材を用いて作品を作ることです。


ピア・キントラップ - ドイツ出身のコンセプチュアル・フォトグラファーであるピアは、写真の役割とは何か、そして何になりうるかに興味を持っています。また、写真から彫刻まで、様々な方法や素材での表現を研究しています。変化を伴うプロセス、物事の価値、空虚と豊かさは彼女の作品には欠かせないものです。

ミミ・レヴェンク- ミミの作品は、ポジティブで本能的なスタイルが印象的です。彼女の絵画は、日々の経験や瞬間に触発された物語を、彼女の内面世界の言葉で表現しています。その象徴は、彼女の中にあるもので、東欧の神秘、おとぎ話に影響を受けています。彼女は物語を語る際に、常に誠実さと、誰もが生まれながらにして大人になるにつれて失いがちな生の感情や喜びを探しています。

シャナ・アブレウ ­- シャナのアーティストとしての目標は、穏やかで詩的な構図の直感的な作品を通して、他者への理解と受け入れる寛大さを表し、調和のとれた共存を促進することです。彼女のアートは、社会に脈々と流れるあらゆる寛容性を高める動きに対し、違いを融合させ、人間を調和させることを目指しています。メタモルフォーゼ(変身)、人間化した動物や動物化した人間を描き、人間関係を大切にしながらも、恐怖や欲、嫉妬など、人間が向き合い、受け入れることの難しいあらゆる要素に取り組んでいます。

ジョニー・ダンカン - アーティストでありBlue Dozen CollectiveのサテライトでありFirst Friday NBの創設者でありそしてストリートウェアブランドChill Infinityのオーナーでもあるジョニーは、鮮やかで象徴的、そしてシンプルな万華鏡のような作品を生み出しています。 彼の作品は、壁画、イラスト、ファッション、写真、ファインアートなど多岐にわたり、注目を集めるグラフィティの大胆さと、ノスタルジックでクラシックなカートゥーンのイメージを融合させています。 シャーベット色のグロテスクな表現と幻想的な映像で、観る者を彼の世界へと誘います。

ニコル・ラフィキ- アーティスト、キュレーター、そして編集者としての顔も持っています。学際的なアーティストとして、テキスタイル、テキスト、写真を用いて、空間、アイデンティティ、そして世界的な移民の影響を受けた人々の姿を描写しています。彼女の最新作は奴隷、人権侵害、そして人種差別や植民地支配、に由来するアフリカの女性への性的虐待に関する現在進行形の研究が反映されています。


10月8日(金)のオープニングに合わせて、VIPレセプションと展示作品のプレビュー、そして1日早く作品を購入することが可能です。 レセプションは18時から21時にかけて行われ、チケットは税込2500円ですからご予約いただけます。10月9日(土)は11時から18時に開催され、入場は無料です。アウトスタンディングアワードは10月9日(土)17時30分から開催されます。

開催場所: 〒106-0032 東京都港区六本木7-18-18 住友不動産六本木通ビル ベルサール六本木




本井眞奈 090 2538 1255 /

Sarah Pracey + 44 7985 112 777 /


Tokyo's Most Exciting Art Fair Returns to the City

Tokyo's Most Exciting Art Fair Returns to the City

Tokyo International Art Fair, Belle Salle Roppongi

08-09 OCTOBER 2021  |  2021年10月8-9日


28th September 2021: In a little over a week, the doors will open to Tokyo's most exciting art fair.  The Tokyo International Art Fair, now in its sixth successful year, will be making a welcome come-back to the city on Friday 8th and Saturday 9th October, bringing hundreds of inspiring artists and thousands of visitors to Tokyo's vibrant art scene.  

Set in the stylish Belle Salle exhibition hall in Roppongi, just a stone's throw from the Mori Art Museum in the affluent Roppongi Hills, the free to attend two day art fair sees leading artists not just from Japan but from 25 other countries across the globe, converging on the capital for a celebration of contemporary art. 

What is unique about the art fair is that it offers the chance for artists and galleries to show and sell their work directly to art lovers and collectors, with no fees for buying or selling. Art lovers, whether seasoned collectors or those just starting on their journey into art, can pick out a piece to add to or start their collection from thousands of incredible pieces on display.


There will also be a newly integrated Digital and Virtual art section at the sixth edition of the fair, selling artworks from international artists through the new Tokyo Online Art Gallery.  This has its own booth complete with innovative technology allowing the visitor to buy art online as well as read more about the international artists. Among the artworks on show will be original paintings, sculptures, photography, illustrations, jewellery and much more, as well as the chance to commission art directly from the artists. 

For Curator Gena Sasaki Johns of the award-winning Global Art Agency, this year's Toyko International Art Fair holds particular significance. "We are hugely excited to be back in Tokyo and to open the doors to one of the city's biggest and best art fairs," says Gena. "The quality of artworks is exceptional, with carefully selected artists and galleries from across Europe, the United States, Australia and Japan filling the event with vibrancy and colour.

"We can't wait to experience the buzz of artists and visitors talking, appreciating and of course, buying and selling art. Don't miss it," she says.  

Among the incredible work on display will be pieces from the following featured artists:

Menucha Page - a Jerusalem-based Jewish woman artist combining ancient themes of Torah Judaism and values with contemporary artistic techniques in painting, drawing, photography, woodwork, glasswork and metalwork.  Her work, a blend of ancient themes and contemporary art, combines a unique blend of eternal principles with cutting-edge contemporary artistic techniques in ways that inspire and imbue her art with deeper meaning.

 Naun Park - Korean Na Un Park's work reflects the world around her, focussing on the uncertainty of people living in this era, where certainty cannot be guaranteed. Her digital portraits display characteristics of contemporary people changing according to their environment, with strong colours harmonising human figures in a storyline of artworks explaining the contemporary nature of our lives in a time of uncertainty.

 Vincenzo Coronati & Gentaro Yokoyama, Soranna Avenue Gallery - Vincenzo Coronati is an Italian interdisciplinary conceptual artist working in photography, television and painting.  In Tokyo he will present works using his “off-painting” technique, with paintings printed on canvas through algorithms that replicate pictorial gestures with naturalistic subjects.  Gentaro Yokoyama is a Japanese neo-pop ceramic artist. An impulsive and playful creativity inspires his colourful and captivating pieces that tell stories of human nature and magical realism. 

Agnes Lui - a member of Hong Kong International Young Artists Society, Agnes is passionate about sharing her love of art. The countless wonders of the night sky have always captivated her and her paintings of the starry night sky when observed under telescope remind people that the most beautiful things are always around us and they invite us to explore. If you focus on a the black area of a particular painting, you may only see darkness, but in fact, this dark region is just a small part of the painting which is composed of an overwhelming array of colours.

Alissa Chapman - New York based woman's designer turned artist, Alissa specialised in fashion illustration and turned her passion for artistic expression in fashion into painting, replacing fabric with a brilliant palette and brush as her go-to medium. Her portraits and still lives are inspired by the golden age of America in the 1950's and her sense of style, portraying her sense of fun.  Her casual compositions grab attention with vivid colours that convey her interpretations of this era and all its glamour. 

Marco Riha - originally from Austria, Marco now calls Mexico his creative home base. The majority of the images he creates are born out of an automatic painting technique; automatism refers to creating art without conscious thought, accessing material from the unconscious mind.

After a long fascination with oils on canvas, he now focuses on abstract works in mixed media, with socio-political pieces about liberty, multiculturalism, ecocide, division and unity, raising the age-old question about the artist's role as a moral compass.

Pia Kintrup - a conceptual photographer from Germany, Pia's interests lie in photography as a media, what it is and what it could become. Her research investigates new media and materials, ranging from photography to sculpture. Transformational processes, value, emptiness and abundance and photographic steps of transition are essential for her artwork. 

Mimi Revencu - a mirabilis artist, Mimi’s art is positive and instinctive. Her paintings tell stories inspired by every day experiences and moments expressed through the language of her inner world. Their symbolism comes from a place within her and are influenced by Eastern European mysteries, fairy tales and patterns. In telling her stories, she’s always searching for sincerity and for that raw emotion and joy we are all born with but tend to lose as we become adults. 

Xana Abreu ­- Xana's goal as an artist is to contribute to the understanding and acceptance of the other and to promote coexistence in harmony through visceral works in serene and poetic compositions. Her art seeks to collaborate with the movement of increasing tolerance that pulses in society, merging and smoothing those differences, mixing beings, metamorphosing, painting humanised animals and animalised humans, valuing relationships but also addressing fears, greed, envy and all the ingredients that make understanding and acceptance more difficult. 

Johnny Duncan - multidisciplinary artist, Satellite of the Blue Dozen Collective, founder of First Friday NB and owner of streetwear brand Chill Infinity, Johnny creates kaleidoscopic works that are vivid, iconic and deceptively simple.  His work encompasses murals, illustration, fashion, photography and fine art, marrying the attention-grabbing audacity of graffiti with nostalgic, classic cartoon imagery, inviting the viewer into his universe of sorbet-coloured grotesqueries and fantastic visuals.

 Nicole Rafiki - artist, curator and editor. As an interdisciplinary artist, she uses textile, text, and photography to re-imagine and challenge the stereotypical depiction of spaces, contexts, identities and the people who are affected by global migration. Her most recent work is an ongoing exploration of the enslavement, dehumanisation, and hypersexualisation of African female bodies through colonial and racial systems, global and forced migration, and identity politics.

Tokyo International Art Fair opens in style on Friday 8th October with a VIP reception and sneak preview of the artworks on display, plus the first chance to purchase directly from the artist.  Reception from 18.00pm - 21.00pm. Tickets cost ¥ 2500 JPY ($ 20 USD) and can be booked at  The fair continues on Saturday 9th October from 11.00am - 18.00pm and entry is FREE. The Outstanding Artist Awards will take place on Saturday at 17.30pm.

Tokyo International Art Fair takes place at Belle Salle Roppongi, Japan, 〒106-0032 Tokyo, Minato, Roppongi, 7 Chome−18−18, 住友不動産六本木通ビル More information is at


Record numbers turn out for Tokyo International Art Fair 2019

12th July 2019: Belle Salle Roppongi was teeming with talented artists, leading galleries and appreciative art lovers in their thousands as the city of Tokyo played host to the 5th annual Tokyo International Art Fair.

The two day art fair, one of the highlights of the city’s cultural calendar, featured work created by leading artists from around the world including Ron English, Cho, Hui-Chin, High Art Gallery and Araki Nobuyoshi. Artists and visitors alike declared it a huge success, with record numbers turning out to show, enjoy and buy art.

More than 100 exhibitors from 23 countries travelled to Tokyo to take part in the largest free to attend showcase of contemporary art seen in the city.  Paintings, sculpture, photography, illustrations, jewellery and bespoke crafts transformed the setting into a sea of colours, as the aisles buzzed with excitement as visitors chatted to the artists and snapped up unique works.

Trade was brisk, with artists and galleries reporting strong sales throughout the event, as Tokyo International Art Fair director and curator Joëlle Dinnage explains. “It was the fifth time that I and my colleagues from the Global Art Agency travelled to Tokyo to host the art fair and this year surpassed all our expectations,” she says.

“I can honestly say that it was one of the busiest, most vibrant art fairs we have ever organised anywhere in the world, with an incredible atmosphere on both days. The excitement was palpable.

“Wherever I looked, I saw artists, surrounded by enthralled visitors, talking passionately about their work. We were totally bowled over by the level of talent on display, something which made judging the Tokyo International Art Fair Awards on the second day harder than ever.  Finally, we did select our winners1 and I warmly congratulate them, though everyone who took part was worthy of praise,” she says.


1) Harry Arling (Netherlands) middle

2) Jiro Shimizu (Austria) left

3) Tunikov (Russia) right


The organisers’ enthusiasm was matched by the artists present, who were quick to share their appreciation for the event.  

“It was a great opportunity to be a part of the show. I was able to meet an incredible amount of extremely talented artists as well as gallery representatives from all around the country and the world. I can’t thank you enough. I know that being part of such a high calibre event is going to be a major part of my success story,” says American artist Johnny, the “The Spilt Ink”, who resides in Tokyo.

“I too had a great time at the Tokyo International Art Fair,” says Dutch artist Stephan van Riezen. “I sold a few paintings, but most importantly, I met amazing people. I’m in love with Tokyo now, something which is giving me great inspiration.”  

"Tokyo was great and so was the art fair,” adds painter Rima Chahine. “I sold all of my paintings, so I am very happy with the results.  The atmosphere of the opening night and the second day was stunning and captivating. I made many friends, both artists and collectors, and met buyers and potential buyers.”

Dates for the sixth Tokyo International Art Fair are beginning of June 2020, applications to participate will open shortly, but in the meantime, artists and galleries can register their interest for next year’s event by going to

More information about the event can be found at 


The event is organised by 


Press contacts:

Sarah Pracey + 44 7985 112 777 / /


Note to editors:

Details of the winners of the Tokyo International Art Fair Awards 2019 can be found here.

Tokyo International Art Fair 2018 success at Roppongi BelleSalle

More than 7000 art aficionados were eager to enter through the doors of BelleSalle Roppongi over the weekend (Friday 25th and Saturday 26th May 2018) as Tokyo city hosted the fourth Tokyo International Art Fair organised by the Global Art Agency (GAA Ltd).

Roppongi BelleSalle was arranged to perfection with over 100 artist and gallery stands from over 30 countries from around the world. The atmosphere was charged with positive vibes as visitors took in the wide range of original art available and took pieces they had purchased home.

Charles Ho from The Wall Street Journal said: "What an evening in Roppongi, where international artists meeting global insights, a superb platform for uprising talent."

New York Gallery from Japan sold within the first hour an original painting by the artist FLORE for 1.2 mill JPY, followed by many more during the art fair.

First prize winner of 2016 Best TIAF Artist Award August Vilella who sold 3 artworks last year worth $ 45,000 USD was back again this year making another outstanding performance... "It is like being family over-here, always a pleasure to exhibit with such a fine organisation."

The weekend culminated in the announcement on Saturday afternoon of the winner of the "Best Tokyo International Art Fair Artist" in by both the panel of judges and members of the public.

1st Prize: Bharat Thakur
2nd Prize: New Now Gallery
3rd Prize: Cristina Jin (Sun Gallery, New York)

From left to right: Manu Alguero, Natal Vallve, Igor Abramovich (New Now Gallery) Barat Thakur, Cristina Jin, New Now Gallery, Joëlle Dinnage.

From left to right: Manu Alguero, Natal Vallve, Igor Abramovich (New Now Gallery) Barat Thakur, Cristina Jin, New Now Gallery, Joëlle Dinnage.

First prize went to Bharat Thakur who displayed a miracle of realism portraits (for some on the border shuddersome) although technique and style of the highest form! The second prize went to New Now Gallery, owned by Igor Abramovich who's vision lays with Ukrainian art and helping create painting collections in Ukraine. Promotes cooperation between Ukrainian painters and renown auction houses of the world — Sotheby’s, Christie’s, Phillips and Bonhams. Believes that nowadays national art is becoming a worthy partner of international cultural dialogue. Third prize went to Cristina Jin ( New York) originally comes from New Zealand and she believes our purest form of emotion are in the moments. Those emotion is the most honest, natural and emphatic. She wants to keep that entrance of memory, no matter she goes back or not. Christina always carries her easel wherever she goes. Painting for her is to capture the natural first-hand reaction to her encounters, the thrill and the fear and the realization of her adventure.

Organisers of the fair; Joëlle Dinnage and Natal Vallvé from the Global Art Agency added their appreciation to the city's reaction to the event and the enthusiasm they found from artists and visitors alike.

"TIAF 2018 was a great success not only for the big selection of exhibitors from all around the world. It was a window of what's going on in the contemporary art world nowadays" Natal Vallvé said.

"We'll be back for more in 2019 and are already planning next year's event," Joëlle Dinnage said.

For more information on next year's Tokyo International Art Fair and other forthcoming events, please visit or Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter
https: //

Alexandra Mekhanik; "Unfinished phrase of my brush gives the opportunity to enlarge the viewers’ imagination."


Artist and Photographer Alexandra Mekhanik was born in Moscow in October ’78 in the 4th generation of architects and artists of her father’s family. Graduated as a Master of Technology and Interior Designer of Architectural spaces. Alexandra has been working as an interior designer and decorator for 15 years making public and private spaces in mainly in France, Russia, and Germany.

She describes her artwork as Monochrome. Minimalism. Elegance. Harmony.

"Unfinished phrase of my brush gives the opportunity to enlarge the viewers’ imagination. In general the message of my works is to Welcome to the Harmony of your Mind and Soul!"

How would you describe yourself? And your artwork?

Clearly readable minimalism and harmony in everything. Dignity is highly appreciated in my heart. About myself,.. open hearted, easygoing and understanding. My credo is “treat others as you want to be treated”.

My works are slightly unfinished to offer the space for the viewers’ imagination and fantasy.

As to photography, they are taken in a special way to show out the idea, to make the viewers appreciate even tiny details which we could hardly ever notice in our fast life. Color combinations are chosen to be so delicious to give a pleasure to the viewers looking at them longer and longer, discovering more interesting unusual details.: 

What is your definition of art?

Art has no rules. Endless quantity of different technics and mixed media of art now allows the artist’s heart speak genuinely to the viewers, becoming one of international language of peace and life philosophy. Art is a mission living deep inside while artist is collecting his inspiration until the explosion of  his feelings and emotions.

Where do you get your inspiration?

Night is the most inspiring time for me to create.

Talking about collecting the inspiring moments, I find them everywhere. And of course, I need to travel. Comparing cultural deference, learning all the time, looking, noticing beauty in unexpected places, in hardly visible details..

Where do you see your art going in ten years?

Ideally it’s going to become a multifunctional capsular atelier for different art media such as painting, drawings, sculpture, photography, installations, furniture design, homeware and home wear. As far as, anyway, all this connected with printing, it would be great to organize a publishing/typographical space there for making coffee table art books, fine art photography books, as well as coffee tables themselves, which I have patented recently. I also see my own gallery where I would be happy to gather the works of the most interesting artists from all over the world, to organize Art Exhibitions, Art Fairs, and Charity Galas for those who appreciate art of any kind and see the depth of the artworks as well as their message to the world.

Can you tell us what you have going on right now?

One of the most exciting project for me now is Four Elements on canvas. It’s a kind of challenge for me, because I’ve never worked in this style. But astrology has always been an attractive subject for me, as well as the knowledge about zodiac signs, different associations around it. The moon power gives me a lot of inspiration and motivation to dare. Hopefully It will grow into an extraordinary project in collaboration with a great Astro scientist.

Website url:


Facebook: Alexandra Mekhanik

Florencia Zampieri composing her dynamic world at the Tokyo International Art Fair


Florencia Zampieri (22nd March 1973) was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Since she was a little girl she used to spend her time painting and drawing. She was inspired by all kind of art expressions, so, while she was studying at primary school she started dancing Classic and Contemporary Dance as a hobby. When she finished school she became a Dance teacher at only 17 years old.

Her passion and love to all artistic expressions, inspired her to study Architecture and then Image and Visual Merchandising. In 1998 she graduated from The Buenos Aires University of Architecture and Urbanism.

When she was 24 years old, she started as a University Design Professor and she introduced her self into Habitat Theory Investigation.

Florencia studied different art expression with few teachers that gave her a solid basement to continue her career. Abstract, collage, colours, acrylic, oils, pencils, papers, textures are her tools to compose her dynamic world.

This is a Q & A with Florencia Zampieri, exhibitor at the Tokyo International Art Fair 2018.

Q: How would you describe yourself? And your artwork?
A: My artwork reflects what I am, a Woman in Movement. 

Q: What drives you? 
A: The pleasure that gives the power of art creation, play with colours and textures.

Q: Where do you get your inspiration?
A: Images, photos, traveling…life experiences, moments, topics…

Q: Where do you see your art going in ten years?
A: Trascending new frontiers, in constantly movement. 

Q: I know my artwork is finished when?
A: When I feel satisfied

Q: Best exhibition ever participated in?
A: The Next One!

Q: Would love to exhibit my work in?
A: No limits

Art painter and Art Fashion Designer Hiroko Saigusa from Tokyo expresses the power of life we create


At first glance, Hiroko Saigusa’s vibrant paintings are mesmerizing. Working in predominantly acrylic on canvas, HIROKO seamlessly weaves bold lines, geometric planes, and energetic fields of color that comprise her dynamically abstract oeuvre. Her works are at once playful and emotive. In paintings such as Power, curved organic shapes composed of bright red, chartreuse, and navy tones dance and writhe around each other in a nearly dizzying manner. HIROKO’s The 60s evokes a similar playfulness, incorporating bright tones of orange, green and yellow contained within shapes that are reminiscent of the Flower Power movement. Passion elicits a mood of cheerful frenzy as contrasting shades of red, blue, orange, and yellow endlessly twirl around each other.

Born in Japan, the artist is heavily influenced by activities such as drawing, textiles, fashion design, graphic design, and space design. Throughout much of her oeuvre, HIROKO frequently incorporates the color red. She states: “[Red] represents human blood and I feel that I can expresses the power of life we create. It represents vitality, capability, and emotions of human beings.” The artist currently resides in Japan.

This is a short Q&A with HIROKO SAIGUSA.

Q: What is your definition of art?

A: I think that what is alive is art. I am very active and I want to make friends with people all over the world.

Q: Where do you get your inspiration?

A: Passion and fashion

Q: How do you deal with artist's block?

A: Never experienced it 

Q: Where do you see your art going in ten years?

A: Paris collection; That my art makes it to fashion.

Q: Can you tell us what you have going on right now?

A: Study of psychiatry

Q: Can you tell us what your 'Before I Die' is?

A: Have my own shop and say thank you my memories friends and family

Q: Best Commissioned artwork ever done was…?

A: Received the Grand Prize at the Japan-China-Korea Art Exhibition. And interview with magazines

Q: Which are your favourite artists?

A: Jean-Michel Basquiat

Q: Greatest achievements so far…?

A: My paintings are currently designed on clothes on show in San Francisco.

Q: Would love to exhibit my work in...?

A: I am praying for activities in New York, Berlin, France and around the world.

Website url:


TIAF 2017 REVIEW - Tokyo International Art Fair 2017, Hikarie, Shibuya.

More than 6000 art aficionados were eager to enter through the doors of Hikarie Hall over the weekend (Friday 26th and Saturday 27th May 2017) as Tokyo city hosted the third Tokyo International Art Fair organised by the Global Art Agency (GAA Ltd).

Hikarie Hall was arranged to perfection with over 150 artist and gallery stands from over 30 countries from around the world. The atmosphere was charged with positive vibes as visitors took in the wide range of original art available and took pieces they had purchased home.

Visitors were sipping away on Bombay Sapphire Cocktails sponsored by Bacardi Japan, whilst looking around to invest into a piece of original art.

Exhibitor Sabet from California who sold one of his original paintings "Snow Monkey" for a substantial price of $ 12,000. Was back again this year and performed some live painting sessions to the crowd of Tokyo. He said: "It has been yet again amazing and I'll forever be grateful to the GAA team! Cannot wait till next year!"

Exhibitor Victoriano said: "Tokyo International Art Fair 2017 has been an amazing experience, It was the first time I shown part of my new CMYK collection so I wasn't sure what to expect, but was overwhelmed by all the nice comments, and I sold my 2 star pieces. All in all a great event, thanks GAA team!"

The weekend culminated in the announcement on Saturday afternoon of the winner of the "Best Tokyo International Art Fair Artist" in by both the panel of judges and members of the public.

From left to right: LOC, Mr Vallve, Ms Dinnage, Ben Mori, Mr Maruhashi, Shinichi Tashiro.

From left to right: LOC, Mr Vallve, Ms Dinnage, Ben Mori, Mr Maruhashi, Shinichi Tashiro.

Art by Shinichi Tashiro

Art by Shinichi Tashiro

First prize went to Japanese street artist Shinichi Tashiro (represented by TOKYO Gallery Singapore) Tashiro who is known for constructing highly inventive collages that make humorous commentaries on subjects from fashion to consumer culture. The second prize went to Ben Mori (represented by SEZON Art Gallery) who was born in Tokyo to a Japanese Father and an American Mother. After graduating from Keio Jr. High, he then attended school on the East Coast where he graduated from the prestigious Rhode Island School of Design, majoring in Graphic Design. And the third prize went to LOC Gallery (Hong Kong) LOC pride themselves for being a bridge for art, interior design and children's education, pushing the boundaries of what a traditional design firm should be - and our Jury agreed.

Organisers of the fair; Joëlle Dinnage and Natal Vallvé from the Global Art Agency added their appreciation to the city's reaction to the event and the enthusiasm they found from artists and visitors alike.

"TIAF 2017 was a great success not only for the big selection of exhibitors from all around the world. It was a window of what's going on in the contemporary art world nowadays due the best artists " Natal Vallvé said.

"We'll be back for more in 2018 and are already planning next year's event," they said.

For more information on next year's Tokyo International Art Fair and other forthcoming events, please visit or Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter
https: //

ダミアン・ハースト、D*FACE、ミスターブレインウォッシュなど 現代アートのスーパースター達の作品が⼀堂に集結!



2017 年5⽉ 10 ⽇

ダミアン・ハースト、D*FACE、ミスターブレインウォッシュなど 現代アートのスーパースター達の作品が⼀堂に集結! 「TOKYO INTERNATIONAL ART FAIR 2017」 5 ⽉ 26 ⽇(⾦)、27 ⽇(⼟)に渋⾕・ヒカリエホールで開催!! 公式サイト

現代アートの国際的なプラットフォームを提供しているグローバルアートエージェンシー(The Global Art Agency/略称:The GAA Ltd.、本部:イギリス、代表:ナタル・ヴァルヴ ェ)は「TOKYO INTERNATIONAL ART FAIR 2017」を 5 ⽉ 26 ⽇(⾦)、27 ⽇(⼟)に開催 します。渋⾕ヒカリエ9階「ヒカリエホール」に世界 40 カ国以上の国々から 150 名以上のアー ティストやギャラリーが⾔語や⽂化の垣根を越えて⼀堂に会します。 5 ⽉ 26 ⽇(⾦)には、招待者およびチケット購⼊者が参加できるレセプションパーティーを開催 します。翌 27 ⽇(⼟)は⼊場無料で公開、どなたでも作品の鑑賞・購⼊やアーティスト達との交 流をお楽しみいただけます。また同⽇ 18 時より最も優れた出展者を表彰する「Global Art Award」授賞式を執り⾏います。 「TOKYO INTERNATIONAL ART FAIR」(TIAF)初開催の 2015 年は原宿クエストホールに⼆ ⽇間で七千⼈以上が、昨年は表参道ヒルズ「スペース・オー」に⼆⽇間で⼀万⼈以上の来場者が 集まり、出展アーティストやギャラリーと共に、この現代アートの祭典を盛り上げました。 ⽇本において三度⽬の開催となる今年は、会場を渋⾕ヒカリエ 9 階「ヒカリエホール」に移して 更にバージョンアップ!来場者がそれぞれの趣味嗜好に合った作品を⼿ごろな値段で購⼊して持 ち帰ることができる、アートファン⾄極の⼆⽇間が今年も繰り広げられます。 「TOKYO INTERNATIONAL ART FAIR 2017」では、ダミアン・ハースト、D*FACE、ミスタ ー・ブレインウォッシュ、シェーン・ボーデンなど現代アートのスーパースター達の名作をはじ め、絵画・彫刻・写真・イラスト・ジュエリーなど多種多様な作品の展⽰・販売を⾏います。ま た、現代アートを⽣で体感していただくために、ライブペインティングやミュージックショーな ども開催します。 現代アートの最前線を⾛る、世界中のアーティストやギャラリー関係者たちと同じ空間を共有 し、彼らとの会話を楽しみしながら作品が⽣み出された背景や想いに⾝を馳せる・・・誰もが思 い思いに現代アートを五感で楽しみ、⾝近に感じられることこそが、TIAF 最⼤の魅⼒と⾔えるで しょう。 GAA 代表者は「TIAF は今年も新しい才能を迎え⼊れます。特に「現代アートの⾵雲児」ダミア ン・ハースト、ストリートアートを代表する D*FACE の作品が出品されるのは今年の⼤きな⽬⽟ です。そして 2015 年の TIAF 初開催から毎回参加し、⼤きな反響を得ているミスター・ブレイン ウォッシュや、「ステロイド注⼊されたアンディ・ウォーホル」と称されるシェーン・ボーデン など、現代アートを代表するスーパースター達も数多く参加します。更にスケールアップして再 上陸する TIAF を楽しみにしていてください」とコメントしています。


名称:TOKYO INTERNATIONAL ART FAIR 2017 会場:渋⾕ヒカリエ9F「ヒカリエホール」

住所:東京都渋⾕区渋⾕2-21-1 <レセプション/プライベートビュー>

⽇時:2017 年 5 ⽉ 26 ⽇(⾦)午後 6 時〜午後 9 時 内容:シャンパンレセプション、ライブペインティング、アートショー * ご⼊場は、招待者およびチケット購⼊者のみです * チケット販売ページ:


⽇時:2017 年 5 ⽉ 27 ⽇(⼟)午前 11 時〜午後 7 時(⼊場無料) 内容:作品の展⽰・販売、アートショー、Global Art Award 授賞式


ダミアン・ハースト(イギリス)、DFACE(イギリス)、ミスター・ブレインウォッシュ(フラン ス)、シェーン・ボーデン(オーストラリア)、シンクレア・ワトキンス(アメリカ)、ニューヨー クギャラリー(⽇本)、「クリスタル&グラム」ギャラリー(⽇本)、ジャ・シャンタン(台湾)、 シンジ・ホリムラ(⽇本)、レイチェル・ホープ・アラン(ニュージーランド)、アナ・テオドロ ール(タイ)、ジャンニ・コルダ(イタリア)、ユアン・モロニ(アルゼンチン)、アンジェリカ・ カール(ドイツ)、アド-リフレックス(南アフリカ)、シェン・フンリン(台湾)、エル・ミエド (チリ)、ユリ・ザタライン(メキシコ)、ケーシー・フリーマン(オーストラリア)、ベン・アラ ン(UAE)、他、


▼公式 facebook ページ:


グローバルアートエージェンシーは、2010 年にイギリスで設⽴された国際的なアート団体です。 イギリス、スペイン、オランダをはじめ世界各国での「INTERNATIONAL ART FAIR」開催を中⼼ に、その活動は年々拡がり続けています。またアートブックの出版や、チャリティオークション、若 ⼿アーティストの発掘・⽀援など、現代アート全般のプロモーション活動を⾏っています。


Global Art Agency 広報代理 (株式会社 G マーケティング) 担当者 :駒崎宏典 TEL:090-2204-8861


Jackson Pollock inspired art and twisted imagination by Damien Hirst at the third edition of the Tokyo International Art Fair


"It's amazing what you can do with an E in A-Level art, a twisted imagination and a chainsaw." Damien Hirst a successful and controversial artist, born in England. His works, which include dead animal displays and spin-art paintings, have sold for exceptionally high prices. The InVogue Art Gallery (London) will be exhibiting some famous 'Skull' pieces by the well-known artist, a true must-see at the third edition of the Tokyo International Art Fair 26-27 May 2017 at Hikarie Hall, Shibuya

Some other highlights of this year's TIAF 2017

Jackson Pollock inspired artist Ben Alan is a Parisian abstract artist expressionist currently living in Dubai. He has the ambition of painting the feeling of success and motivation. “All my paintings are a sum up of personal development books”. To access success and motivation by visuals of colourful and positive images.

Ben Alan

Ben Alan

Painter Anastasia Schipanova (Russia) style has evolved beyond the traditional framework of abstractionism, expressionism and symbolism. She describes her own style as ‘energo-abstractionism’.  Tokyo born artist Keiko Imaizumi (Canada) was selected as the official Photographer for the Japanese Royal Family’s visit to Canada in 2007. Her latest series focuses on using metallic prints, DiBond aluminum boards and plexi glass to share an original and unique perspective that cannot be captured or represented on a computer.

Sun Gallery New York will be representing the works of Mengdi Cheng - The artist explore and express her inner thoughts and feeling through colors, strikes and lines. Swedish artist Ewa Borin famous for her oil paintings to be her pièces de résistance. Ewa aims to convey positive energy and radiate confidence through her art. Something to come and see for yourself at the art fair.

The young Latin American Artist Natasha Estanga began painting at the short age of 7 years old. She became double winner of the Ibero-american Art Fair in Caracas (FIA) in 2007 and 2008. And has been awarded with the Ashta Art Academy prize in Moscow in 2011. Born in Chicago, Illinois, Olivia Kapoor has an associate's degree in art and was the 2009 National Award Winner of the American Red Cross art competition. Olivia prefers to call her paintings a representation of "Psychedelic Abstraction".

Keiko Imaizumi

Keiko Imaizumi

"Life is beautiful” is a phrase that clearly applies to street artist Thierry Guetta, aka Mr. Brainwash. In just a matter of years, he went from spray-painting alleyways to selling art installations worth thousands. He even collaborated with pop star Madonna.

These artists are among the more than 112 showing their work at this year’s fair, which takes place on May 26 and 27. The event aims to showcase both rookie and veteran artists, as well as create chances for networking and buying the art on display.

As the fair runs on two days, it will also be split into private and public viewings. First up is the private, which costs ¥1,500. That provides potential buyers with first pick of the art on offer and includes a serving of Champagne. The public viewing is free, but a lot of people are expected to show up: the inaugural Tokyo International Art Fair last year welcomed more than 10,000 guests.

Dates & Times:
Friday 26th May 2017 : 18.00pm - 21.00pm
Including Champagne Reception, Private View and first opportunity to buy art.

Saturday 27th May 2017 : 11.00am - 19.00pm
Live painting, Buy Art Show, Global Art Awards Ceremony (18.00pm) FREE ENTRY

Tickets: Available here

Venue: SHIBUYA HIKARIE  |  HIKARIE HALL 9F. 2-21-1 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan zip 150-8510


Success for second Tokyo International Art Fair 2016 - Omotesando Hills


More than 8000 art aficionados were eager to enter through the doors of Omotesando Hills over the weekend (Friday 13th and Saturday 14th May 2016) as Tokyo city hosted the second Tokyo International Art Fair organised by the Global Art Agency (GAA Ltd).

The Space-O hall at the venue was arranged to perfection with over 150 artist and gallery stands from over 30 countries from around the world. The atmosphere was charged with positive vibes as visitors took in the wide range of original art available and took pieces they had purchased home.

Visitors were sipping away on Martini Champagne and Bombay Sapphire Cocktails sponsored by Bacardi Japan, whilst looking around to invest into a piece of original art.

Exhibitor Sabet from California sold one of his original paintings "Snow Monkey" for a substantial price of ¥1,300,000. He said; "Thank you to Global Art Agency for giving me a platform to sell here at the Tokyo International Art Fair - it has been amazing and I'll forever be grateful to the GAA team! Can't wait till next year!"

Tahe D from Tahiti said; "Thanks to this event I have sold my art and most importantly I am now sponsored by Air Tahiti and Tropical Vision. It has been amazing!" 

Ernesto Heen who was represented at the Digital Art Showcase: "Thank you for the great Tokyo International Art Fair. Promoting my work that was shown on the Digital Art Screens even if I couldn’t be there in person. I look forward to the next occasion and would like to congratulate all participating artists and the GAA Art Event Team for their great work." 

Frank van der Meijden from the Netherlands sold completely out after he met a collector coming all the way from Spain to the event. "I am over the moon, I had one of the biggest stands and I completely sold out. Big thanks to the organisation."

Frank wasn't the only one that sold out. Shane Bowden (Australia, living in San Diego) represented by the New York Gallery (Japan) sold also completely out and was one of the highlights of the show. 

Visitors also enjoyed the Me-Fie booth were they could create long-lasting TIAf 2016 memories in the form of selfies with special effects. 

The Contemporary Art of Excellence Book Volume II was in populair demand at the event, with over 150 books sold at the fair to collectors coming from as far as United States, Singapore and Hong Kong.  

The weekend culminated in the announcement on Saturday afternoon of the winner of the "Best Tokyo International Art Fair Artist" in show by both the panel of judges and members of the public.

First place went to August Vilella (Barcelona) who creates oil paintings by means of a surreal-intuitive method. Second place went to Sezon Art Gallery (Tokyo), and third price to Shingo420 (Tokyo). The Facebook competition winner voted by the public went to Babtiste Tavernier

Organisers of the fair; Satoshi Maruhashi, Joëlle Dinnage and Natal Vallvé from the Global Art Agency added their appreciation to the city’s reaction to the event and the enthusiasm they found from artists and visitors alike.

“TIAF 2016 was a great success not only for the big amount of visitors and sales, but also for the fine selection of exhibitors from all around the world. It was a window of what's going on in the Contemporary Art world nowadays due the best artists from different countries from around the world represented the style, the concept and new languages from each country showing the different personalities in the art world." Natal Vallvé said.

Joëlle Dinnage organiser added: "I am extremely happy with the sales this year, it has exceeded last year's event in Tokyo. The first prize winner of this year's Best TIAF Artist Award August Vilella is in the process of selling 3 artworks worth $45,000 in total. This is a substantial amount for an individual emerging artist, and shows how much new talent is out there that has huge potential. Seeing the exhibitors so fulfilled makes us very happy." 

“We’ll be back for more in 2017 and are already planning next year’s event,” Satoshi Maruhashi said.

For more information on next year’s Tokyo International Art Fair and other forthcoming events, please visit or Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter


Press contacts:
Satoshi Maruhahi

Tokyo International Art Fair 2016 - Omotesando Hills

Satoshi Maruhashi - Global Art Agency

Satoshi Maruhashi - Global Art Agency

昨年、大成功を収めたアートフェア-TOKYO INTERNATIONAL ART FAIR- が今年もまた5月13日(金)、14日(土)の2日間において、東京のシャンゼリゼと呼ぶに相応しい青山、表参道ヒルズを舞台に開催される。

30カ国以上、150名を越える参加アーティストの現代アートが販売作品として、表参道ヒルズ B3スペース オーに集約される。






今年の参加アーティストには期待の新鋭アーティストはもちろん、前回、大好評だったミスター・ブレインウォッシュとして知られるシェーンボーデンの名前もあります – 現代のアンディ・ウォーホルを思わせる彼の作風は前回、非常に好評でした。


ローラ・ジョーダン(イギリス), キャナル・チェンジャルー(フィンランド),セヴェラナ・シンテスヴァ(ベルギー),ハイヤット・セイジ(モロッコ),ソフィア。シアン(ロシア),リ・ウェイ・チェン(台湾),風ギャラリー(日本),マーク・ジェームスフォード(ドイツ),

Hiba Sultan (Saudi Arabia)

Hiba Sultan (Saudi Arabia)









Participating as an Exhibitor: The Tokyo International Art Fair are now in the final stage of curating and selection process. They are inviting the outstanding artists to apply online





Second Tokyo International Art Fair brings famous names to Omotesando Hills

Building on the success of the first edition - the Global Art Agency are busy organising the second Tokyo International Art Fair for 13 & 14 May 2016 at an amazing new venue "Omotesando Hills" which is located in Aoyama, sometimes termed "Tokyo's Champs-Élysées". 

More than 150 exhibitors from over 30 countries will be filling the Space-O hall at the Omotesando Hills venue with an incredible display of contemporary art and thousands of artworks for sale. 

Organisers Joëlle Dinnage and her business partner Natal Vallvé from the Global Art Agency are making the fantastic (free) two-day art extravaganza a versatile art happening for the locals of Tokyo. A huge variety of artworks, offering every visitor something to suit their style, all in an affordable price-range to buy and to take home on the day.

Satoshi Maruhashi who is part of the organisation says: "I am extremely happy with the new venue, it will be another spectacle."

On show will be paintings, sculptures, photography art, illustrations, printmaking, and jewellery, with a live painting and music show at the event.

“Almost 6000 people visited the event last year, connections were made, and great sales happened, so everyone was extremely satisfied. There was no doubt to organise a second edition, and we have worked very hard to get a brilliant new venue in one of Tokyo's hotspots attracting art aficionado's from all over the world." said organiser Joëlle Dinnage.

"We have new talent exhibiting this year as well as some known names that exhibited last year, and of course there are the famous names such as Mr Brainwash who will showing, as well as Shane Bowden - also known as the Andy Warhol on steroids - who did very well last year."


Laura Jordan (UK), Canal Cheong-Jagerroos (Finland), Svetlana Sintseva (Belgium), Hayat Saidi (Morocco), Hiba Sultan (Saudi Arabia), Sophia Shiyan (Russia), Li Wei Chen (Taiwan), Kaze Gallery (Japan), STYLO (Thailand), Mark James Ford (Germany), Loryn Kolbrenner (USA), Suzi Fadel Nassif (UAE), Thomas John Taylor (USA), Franco The Creator (USA), Shane Bowden (Australia), Mr Brainwash (France), New York Art Gallery (Japan), Krystal Glam Art Gallery (Japan), and many more... Also Michael Lam (NYC) who creates single stroke paintings based on his calligraphy skill. Lam has received awards and recognition for his work all over the world and worked to support UNICEF for children. 

The fair opens on Friday 13th May with a private view and vernissage for invitees only starting at 18.00pm to 21.00pm (limited tickets are also available to purchase online).

On Saturday 14th May the art fair is open to the public from 11.00am to 19.00pm with the Global Art Awards happening at 18.00pm that day announcing the best Artist of the fair. Prebook tickets here.

Tickets to the Tokyo International Art Fair 2016 are free and can be booked online by going to their website The event takes place from Friday 13th May to Saturday 14th May 2016 at OMOTESANDO HILLS - MAIN BUILDING B3F SPACE O, 4-12-10 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0001 JAPAN.

For more information about the event and to visit please visit

Participating as an Exhibitor:

The Tokyo International Art Fair are now in the final stage of curating and selection process. They are inviting the outstanding artists to apply online


Tokyo International Art Fair 2015 Success - The Review


ALMOST 6000 art lovers eager to snap up an original piece of contemporary work filed through the doors of Harajuku Quest Hall over the weekend (Friday 22nd to Saturday 23rd May 2015) as the city of Tokyo hosted the first Tokyo International Art Fair by the Global Art Agency Ltd.

The venue was packed with over 150 artists and galleries from some 30 countries around the world and the atmosphere was charged with energy as visitors took in the wide range of unique art available and took pieces they had purchased home to adorn a living or work space wall.


Great contacts were made, artworks were sold, Geisha’s served glasses of Champagne, and visitors were astoundingly admiring the live painting performance by Christine Walters who prepared herself immensely to put on an amazing show. Christine was certainly dressed to impress and gathered a large crowd around her watching the show. With much concentration Christine was splashing paint gracefully onto the canvas with movements almost synchronically to the cool tunes by DJ Guy Perryman. The result: Two vibrant and colourful paintings that she kindly donated to charity raising money for the Nepal charity ‘Save Blessing Child Home’ orphanage in Kathmandu.


Big names attended the art fair from the management of Chanel to the President of Cadillac, from the PR ladies of Google+ to the contacts of the Japan Times, and numerous of other important VIP guests, who applauded the organisers for the high standard of quality artworks that were on show. And apart from many art sales also the CAE Art Book ‘Contemporary Art of Excellence - Investable art 2015’ another incentive of the GAA to promote the arts - completely sold out!

Organisers of the fair, Joelle Dinnage and business partner Natal Vallvé from the Global Art Agency added their appreciation to the city’s reaction to the event and the enthusiasm they found from exhibitors and visitors alike.

Joelle Dinnage art fair organiser said; “We are very proud and happy how it all went.” She continued; “To organise the very first Tokyo International Art Fair with such a buzzing concept that was greatly promoted amongst valuable contacts who visited the event and were hugely impressed. We are glad that many sales were processed and that a lot of opportunities have arisen and new exciting connections have been made, we are positive for the after-sales also, and looking forward to the second edition.” 

Satoshi Maruhashi also part of the GAA organisation added: “It was a tough road, but a very exciting happening, and the outcome has been amazing - this is only the start, we have a great future ahead in Asia.”

“Most importantly” Natal added; “The exhibitors had a successful show, selling works, making commissions and simply making connections, which is what the essence of the event is all about. We want to connect exhibitors with people who appreciate art, whether they’re expert collectors or just starting out, and we’re happy to have made very good progress this time around all the way in Asia where things are different, yet extremely interesting.”

Souren Mousavi, exhibitor at the Tokyo International Art Fair said: ”I loved Japan. I loved Tokyo and I loved the GAA Tokyo International Art Fair in Harajuku. This was my first exhibition in the Far East and Tokyo was a great choice. GAA were very professional as usual with organising and promoting the event.  So many visitors, so many buyers and so many art lovers. There was no time to rest on either day and I had loads of compliments. Moreover I sold prints and designer clothing, and have since received several enquiries about exhibiting some of my new works elsewhere in Japan. Looking forward to their next event in Amsterdam. I’ve tried the rest and they’re the best! I really thank them” 

Joanna Blair added; ”I sold 3 within the first hour of the opening night!!! Very exciting.”

And for Dawn aka ‘Sunrise Welward Art', who travelled from Okinawa to Tokyo to participate in the International Art Fair it was also a great success. She said; “It was very well organised in a great venue. Selling my paintings was a highlight for me and a real confidence boost. I've also received after-sale queries from galleries and potential clients.”

The Global Art Awards Ceremony also took place at the event announcing the best exhibitors of the art fair. The first prize went to ‘New York Art Gallery’ and their artists Shane Bowden and Mr Brainwash who stole the show with their urban artworks. The second prize went to Krystal & Glam Gallery from Japan, and the third prize went to Chi Hang Wong from Hong Kong. And the Facebook competition of best artist voted by the public was Michael Volpicelli from Oklahoma, US.


Both Michael as well as New York Art Gallery will now be exhibiting at the upcoming Amsterdam International Art Fair at the Beurs van Berlage 28-29 August 2015 as part of winning the first prize.   

"Being an Artist and having a chance to be an exhibitor in an international exhibition is an amazing experience. The chance to interact with other artists and chat to viewers about my work, not to mention the opportunity to make connections with Art dealers, Curators and Directors of galleries is second to none. Plus you never know but there is always the possibility of a sale too." said Chi Hang Wong, third prize Best Exhibitor Award Tokyo International Art Fair 2015. 

“Watch out for the second edition” said Mr Maruhashi. “It will be even bigger and better!”






クリスティーヌのライブパフォーマンス衣装はとても印象的で、DJ ガイ・ペリマンの選曲に合わせ優雅にキャンバスを描いていました。




アジアを仕切るGAAのメンバーSatoshi Maruhashi(丸橋聡)は、今回のフェアについて、「ここまでの道のりはすごくタフだった。でもすごくエキサイティングな出来事だったし、結果は大盛況。でもこれは最初の一歩でしかなく、スタートできただけ。これからのアジアでの活動を盛り上げて行きたい」




ドーン・aka サンライズ・ウェルワード・アートは、今回のフェアのために沖縄から参加。「とても良くまとめられたフェアで、会場も素晴らしかったわ。絵が売れたことは私にとってすごく自信に繋がったわ。その後もギャラリーの方や顧客になりそうな方たちと繋がることができて本当に参加して良かったわ

1位はニューヨーク・アート・ギャラリーから参加のミスターブレインウォッシュことアーティストのショーン・ボーデン。2位は日本からクリスタル・グラム・ギャラリー。3位は香港のチー・ハン・ウォン。そしてフェイスブックの投票最高獲得者のアーティストはアメリカ オクラホマのマイケル・ボルピセリが受賞しました。



Asiaエリア統括の丸橋氏から。「次はもっと良く、もっと大きく開催します!! 第2回目も期待してください!!」

Tokyo's newest art fair brings global talent, famous names, and street-art to Harajuku!

"Rolling Stones" by Mr Brainwash (Los Angeles) - Represented by New York Gallery (Tokyo)

Press Release II : For immediate release.

22nd April 2015: Artistic talent from all around the world as well as from Japan is converging on Tokyo next month as the city gets ready to hold the first Tokyo International Art Fair from 22nd to 23rd May 2015 at Harajuku Quest Hall.

Some 150 outstanding artists and distinguished galleries from 30 countries as far flung as United Kingdom, Scandinavia, Netherlands, Bangladesh, Hong Kong, China, India, Russia, Africa, the USA and Australia and many prestigious exhibitors from the city itself will be out in force at the fantastic free two-day art extravaganza.

Art by Shane Bowden

Among these are Tokyo based New York Gallery, who represent the artworks by Los Angeles based Mr Brainwash (known from his role in the Oscar nominated "Exit Through the Gift Shop" a film by Banksy.) And also represent the Australia's Brisbane-born artist Shane Bowden based in California. Known for his intuitive, free feeling and wacky themes. Shane is like a Andy Warhol injected with steroids, and is likened to Damien Hirst. Collage technique, unpredictable material, and forms being created in the mess deliberately. From Tony Blair (former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom) up to the conference room of the Vogue Magazine, his artwork has been loved by a wide range from prominent collectors from around the world, regardless of genre. Shane will attend the Tokyo Art Fair in person so a unique opportunity to meet him!

Krystal & Glam Luxury art gallery - Daniele Donde

Tokyo based Krystal & Glam luxury art Gallery represent the works by Daniele Donde. Handcrafted fine artworks that have great detail, and is dazzled with glamorous and precious stones. The artworks have been featured by the press globally and is a must-see, or a must-buy.

9th Wave Gallery (Hawaii) will have a collection of contemporary art incorporating everything from Zen Surrealism to Hawaiian Surf Art, by a selection of international artists that create cutting edge art, presenting them with a message of Aloha.

Local Japanese artists that participate include; 
Asako Iwamizu, famous for the use of vibrant colors eliciting a sense of joy. Hayato Shiratori, known for his Manga art. Ginger, illustrator, sign-writer, pin striper, and graphic artist. Gypsy.P, musician and spiritual artist. Yucchi Design By Evolve, surf art and design, original art boards and wetsuits. Susanow, Street Artist. TAIKEN, urban artist with a love for HipHop. Fusako Ekuni, working with the mysteries of the light and the energy. Sunrise Welward Art, self taught Artist from Ireland, living in Japan inspired by South-Africa where she grew up.

…and many other exhibitors living locally in Tokyo.

"Guna" by Demian Dressler represented by 9th Wave Gallery

Satoshi Maruhashi (Tokyo): "I have been looking forward to the Tokyo Art Fair for a very long time. It's great that Japanese Artists as well as European and many other Nationalities are coming together for this first huge artist art fair in Tokyo."

Christine Walters - Live Performance Art

Christine Walters (USA) who will take part is a Performance Artist who paints the abstract of LIVE DJ music. Born in Indiana, schooled in Alabama and cultured in New York City Walters comes from an artistically divers family which she accredits her love for combining music and performance painting.  For Christine music is not just music, it's a medium that spills onto a surface. - "It will be a spectacular show at the Tokyo Art Fair."

Sarah Britten (South-Africa) works in a somewhat unusual medium: lipstick. (Yes, really.) Sarah started working with it in 2002, when she became involved with a Range Rover campaign in late 2010 that she began to paint lipstick cityscapes. 

"Red Bull" by Sarah Britten - Lipstick Art

Souren Mousavi (UK) was born is Persia in 1969 and her ancestral family is linked to the Persian Monarchy. Her childhood found her embroiled in the Iran-Iraq war which was to have a lasting impact on her life. Souren`s passion for all things artistic eventually resulted in her graduating with a Master’s Degree in Fine Art from the University of Tehran. Her expression of freedom and her commitment to women`s rights led to her arrest and eventual imprisonment. Her work was deemed offensive by the regime and Souren was to experience many years of darkness. Souren now lives and works in Shakespeare’s birthplace, Stratford-Upon-Avon. 

Art by Souren Mousavi

Curator Joelle Dinnage, says about the selection “The applications to participate exceeded expectations, that's why the selection process has been very strict and resulted in a divers and profound selection, which has all of its exhibitors fizzing with excitement of being part of the inaugural event. It has also got a great declaration of how popular contemporary visual art is in Tokyo, with hundreds tickets pre-booked visitors waiting to attend with anticipation. The organisation Global Art Agency Ltd is extremely looking forward to this event, as its the first (of many) in Asia." 

"Flying Dreadnought" by Vinki Qoz

Natal Vallve also a Curator at the organisation said: "Asian artists nowadays are one of the most emerging artists around the world, and we can see the same is happening with the asian art market, which growing extensively. We are proud to be the first UK based organisation bringing so much talent together to Tokyo, and also our collectors have been fanatic to come to the art fair from many different countries such as Spain, and UK to see the extraordinary show."

Among paintings on show there will be sculptures, photography art, illustrations, street & urban art, illuminated artworks by Vinki Qoz (China), and live performance art accompanied with live music from several well-known Japanese DJ's.

The Tokyo International Art Fair takes place at Harajuku Quest Hall on Friday 22nd May 2015 with the private viewing from 6pm to 9pm with tickets costing 1500 JPY and include a glass of Champagne, live music and the chance to meet some of the high profile artists and galleries taking part.

On Saturday 23rd May 2015 the fair is open to the public and free to enter from 11.00am - 17.00pm with the Global Art Award Ceremony at 16.00pm in which the Best Artist Award will be announced.

For more information please visit

***** END ****

Press contacts: 
Satoshi Maruhashi (Tokyo based) +81 90 33984293
Joelle Dinnage (UK based) +44(0)7825 443925

Quest Hall - Harajuku. Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 1-13-14, 3F 
TEL: 03-3470-6331
