Tokyo Art Fair 2017

TIAF 2017 REVIEW - Tokyo International Art Fair 2017, Hikarie, Shibuya.

More than 6000 art aficionados were eager to enter through the doors of Hikarie Hall over the weekend (Friday 26th and Saturday 27th May 2017) as Tokyo city hosted the third Tokyo International Art Fair organised by the Global Art Agency (GAA Ltd).

Hikarie Hall was arranged to perfection with over 150 artist and gallery stands from over 30 countries from around the world. The atmosphere was charged with positive vibes as visitors took in the wide range of original art available and took pieces they had purchased home.

Visitors were sipping away on Bombay Sapphire Cocktails sponsored by Bacardi Japan, whilst looking around to invest into a piece of original art.

Exhibitor Sabet from California who sold one of his original paintings "Snow Monkey" for a substantial price of $ 12,000. Was back again this year and performed some live painting sessions to the crowd of Tokyo. He said: "It has been yet again amazing and I'll forever be grateful to the GAA team! Cannot wait till next year!"

Exhibitor Victoriano said: "Tokyo International Art Fair 2017 has been an amazing experience, It was the first time I shown part of my new CMYK collection so I wasn't sure what to expect, but was overwhelmed by all the nice comments, and I sold my 2 star pieces. All in all a great event, thanks GAA team!"

The weekend culminated in the announcement on Saturday afternoon of the winner of the "Best Tokyo International Art Fair Artist" in by both the panel of judges and members of the public.

From left to right: LOC, Mr Vallve, Ms Dinnage, Ben Mori, Mr Maruhashi, Shinichi Tashiro.

From left to right: LOC, Mr Vallve, Ms Dinnage, Ben Mori, Mr Maruhashi, Shinichi Tashiro.

Art by Shinichi Tashiro

Art by Shinichi Tashiro

First prize went to Japanese street artist Shinichi Tashiro (represented by TOKYO Gallery Singapore) Tashiro who is known for constructing highly inventive collages that make humorous commentaries on subjects from fashion to consumer culture. The second prize went to Ben Mori (represented by SEZON Art Gallery) who was born in Tokyo to a Japanese Father and an American Mother. After graduating from Keio Jr. High, he then attended school on the East Coast where he graduated from the prestigious Rhode Island School of Design, majoring in Graphic Design. And the third prize went to LOC Gallery (Hong Kong) LOC pride themselves for being a bridge for art, interior design and children's education, pushing the boundaries of what a traditional design firm should be - and our Jury agreed.

Organisers of the fair; Joëlle Dinnage and Natal Vallvé from the Global Art Agency added their appreciation to the city's reaction to the event and the enthusiasm they found from artists and visitors alike.

"TIAF 2017 was a great success not only for the big selection of exhibitors from all around the world. It was a window of what's going on in the contemporary art world nowadays due the best artists " Natal Vallvé said.

"We'll be back for more in 2018 and are already planning next year's event," they said.

For more information on next year's Tokyo International Art Fair and other forthcoming events, please visit or Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter
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ダミアン・ハースト、D*FACE、ミスターブレインウォッシュなど 現代アートのスーパースター達の作品が⼀堂に集結!



2017 年5⽉ 10 ⽇

ダミアン・ハースト、D*FACE、ミスターブレインウォッシュなど 現代アートのスーパースター達の作品が⼀堂に集結! 「TOKYO INTERNATIONAL ART FAIR 2017」 5 ⽉ 26 ⽇(⾦)、27 ⽇(⼟)に渋⾕・ヒカリエホールで開催!! 公式サイト

現代アートの国際的なプラットフォームを提供しているグローバルアートエージェンシー(The Global Art Agency/略称:The GAA Ltd.、本部:イギリス、代表:ナタル・ヴァルヴ ェ)は「TOKYO INTERNATIONAL ART FAIR 2017」を 5 ⽉ 26 ⽇(⾦)、27 ⽇(⼟)に開催 します。渋⾕ヒカリエ9階「ヒカリエホール」に世界 40 カ国以上の国々から 150 名以上のアー ティストやギャラリーが⾔語や⽂化の垣根を越えて⼀堂に会します。 5 ⽉ 26 ⽇(⾦)には、招待者およびチケット購⼊者が参加できるレセプションパーティーを開催 します。翌 27 ⽇(⼟)は⼊場無料で公開、どなたでも作品の鑑賞・購⼊やアーティスト達との交 流をお楽しみいただけます。また同⽇ 18 時より最も優れた出展者を表彰する「Global Art Award」授賞式を執り⾏います。 「TOKYO INTERNATIONAL ART FAIR」(TIAF)初開催の 2015 年は原宿クエストホールに⼆ ⽇間で七千⼈以上が、昨年は表参道ヒルズ「スペース・オー」に⼆⽇間で⼀万⼈以上の来場者が 集まり、出展アーティストやギャラリーと共に、この現代アートの祭典を盛り上げました。 ⽇本において三度⽬の開催となる今年は、会場を渋⾕ヒカリエ 9 階「ヒカリエホール」に移して 更にバージョンアップ!来場者がそれぞれの趣味嗜好に合った作品を⼿ごろな値段で購⼊して持 ち帰ることができる、アートファン⾄極の⼆⽇間が今年も繰り広げられます。 「TOKYO INTERNATIONAL ART FAIR 2017」では、ダミアン・ハースト、D*FACE、ミスタ ー・ブレインウォッシュ、シェーン・ボーデンなど現代アートのスーパースター達の名作をはじ め、絵画・彫刻・写真・イラスト・ジュエリーなど多種多様な作品の展⽰・販売を⾏います。ま た、現代アートを⽣で体感していただくために、ライブペインティングやミュージックショーな ども開催します。 現代アートの最前線を⾛る、世界中のアーティストやギャラリー関係者たちと同じ空間を共有 し、彼らとの会話を楽しみしながら作品が⽣み出された背景や想いに⾝を馳せる・・・誰もが思 い思いに現代アートを五感で楽しみ、⾝近に感じられることこそが、TIAF 最⼤の魅⼒と⾔えるで しょう。 GAA 代表者は「TIAF は今年も新しい才能を迎え⼊れます。特に「現代アートの⾵雲児」ダミア ン・ハースト、ストリートアートを代表する D*FACE の作品が出品されるのは今年の⼤きな⽬⽟ です。そして 2015 年の TIAF 初開催から毎回参加し、⼤きな反響を得ているミスター・ブレイン ウォッシュや、「ステロイド注⼊されたアンディ・ウォーホル」と称されるシェーン・ボーデン など、現代アートを代表するスーパースター達も数多く参加します。更にスケールアップして再 上陸する TIAF を楽しみにしていてください」とコメントしています。


名称:TOKYO INTERNATIONAL ART FAIR 2017 会場:渋⾕ヒカリエ9F「ヒカリエホール」

住所:東京都渋⾕区渋⾕2-21-1 <レセプション/プライベートビュー>

⽇時:2017 年 5 ⽉ 26 ⽇(⾦)午後 6 時〜午後 9 時 内容:シャンパンレセプション、ライブペインティング、アートショー * ご⼊場は、招待者およびチケット購⼊者のみです * チケット販売ページ:


⽇時:2017 年 5 ⽉ 27 ⽇(⼟)午前 11 時〜午後 7 時(⼊場無料) 内容:作品の展⽰・販売、アートショー、Global Art Award 授賞式


ダミアン・ハースト(イギリス)、DFACE(イギリス)、ミスター・ブレインウォッシュ(フラン ス)、シェーン・ボーデン(オーストラリア)、シンクレア・ワトキンス(アメリカ)、ニューヨー クギャラリー(⽇本)、「クリスタル&グラム」ギャラリー(⽇本)、ジャ・シャンタン(台湾)、 シンジ・ホリムラ(⽇本)、レイチェル・ホープ・アラン(ニュージーランド)、アナ・テオドロ ール(タイ)、ジャンニ・コルダ(イタリア)、ユアン・モロニ(アルゼンチン)、アンジェリカ・ カール(ドイツ)、アド-リフレックス(南アフリカ)、シェン・フンリン(台湾)、エル・ミエド (チリ)、ユリ・ザタライン(メキシコ)、ケーシー・フリーマン(オーストラリア)、ベン・アラ ン(UAE)、他、


▼公式 facebook ページ:


グローバルアートエージェンシーは、2010 年にイギリスで設⽴された国際的なアート団体です。 イギリス、スペイン、オランダをはじめ世界各国での「INTERNATIONAL ART FAIR」開催を中⼼ に、その活動は年々拡がり続けています。またアートブックの出版や、チャリティオークション、若 ⼿アーティストの発掘・⽀援など、現代アート全般のプロモーション活動を⾏っています。


Global Art Agency 広報代理 (株式会社 G マーケティング) 担当者 :駒崎宏典 TEL:090-2204-8861


Jackson Pollock inspired art and twisted imagination by Damien Hirst at the third edition of the Tokyo International Art Fair


"It's amazing what you can do with an E in A-Level art, a twisted imagination and a chainsaw." Damien Hirst a successful and controversial artist, born in England. His works, which include dead animal displays and spin-art paintings, have sold for exceptionally high prices. The InVogue Art Gallery (London) will be exhibiting some famous 'Skull' pieces by the well-known artist, a true must-see at the third edition of the Tokyo International Art Fair 26-27 May 2017 at Hikarie Hall, Shibuya

Some other highlights of this year's TIAF 2017

Jackson Pollock inspired artist Ben Alan is a Parisian abstract artist expressionist currently living in Dubai. He has the ambition of painting the feeling of success and motivation. “All my paintings are a sum up of personal development books”. To access success and motivation by visuals of colourful and positive images.

Ben Alan

Ben Alan

Painter Anastasia Schipanova (Russia) style has evolved beyond the traditional framework of abstractionism, expressionism and symbolism. She describes her own style as ‘energo-abstractionism’.  Tokyo born artist Keiko Imaizumi (Canada) was selected as the official Photographer for the Japanese Royal Family’s visit to Canada in 2007. Her latest series focuses on using metallic prints, DiBond aluminum boards and plexi glass to share an original and unique perspective that cannot be captured or represented on a computer.

Sun Gallery New York will be representing the works of Mengdi Cheng - The artist explore and express her inner thoughts and feeling through colors, strikes and lines. Swedish artist Ewa Borin famous for her oil paintings to be her pièces de résistance. Ewa aims to convey positive energy and radiate confidence through her art. Something to come and see for yourself at the art fair.

The young Latin American Artist Natasha Estanga began painting at the short age of 7 years old. She became double winner of the Ibero-american Art Fair in Caracas (FIA) in 2007 and 2008. And has been awarded with the Ashta Art Academy prize in Moscow in 2011. Born in Chicago, Illinois, Olivia Kapoor has an associate's degree in art and was the 2009 National Award Winner of the American Red Cross art competition. Olivia prefers to call her paintings a representation of "Psychedelic Abstraction".

Keiko Imaizumi

Keiko Imaizumi

"Life is beautiful” is a phrase that clearly applies to street artist Thierry Guetta, aka Mr. Brainwash. In just a matter of years, he went from spray-painting alleyways to selling art installations worth thousands. He even collaborated with pop star Madonna.

These artists are among the more than 112 showing their work at this year’s fair, which takes place on May 26 and 27. The event aims to showcase both rookie and veteran artists, as well as create chances for networking and buying the art on display.

As the fair runs on two days, it will also be split into private and public viewings. First up is the private, which costs ¥1,500. That provides potential buyers with first pick of the art on offer and includes a serving of Champagne. The public viewing is free, but a lot of people are expected to show up: the inaugural Tokyo International Art Fair last year welcomed more than 10,000 guests.

Dates & Times:
Friday 26th May 2017 : 18.00pm - 21.00pm
Including Champagne Reception, Private View and first opportunity to buy art.

Saturday 27th May 2017 : 11.00am - 19.00pm
Live painting, Buy Art Show, Global Art Awards Ceremony (18.00pm) FREE ENTRY

Tickets: Available here

Venue: SHIBUYA HIKARIE  |  HIKARIE HALL 9F. 2-21-1 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan zip 150-8510


Volunteer for one of the biggest International Art Fairs in Tokyo

Interested in interning or volunteering for an international art fair? Then look no further! Opportunities are available to learn about every aspect of building a fair, including being on-site and working the actual event.

To find out more please fill in the form below and we will contact you about current openings.

Tokyo International Art Fair 2017 - Press Release

Building on the success of the first and second edition - the GAA Ltd also known as the Global Art Agency are organising the third Tokyo International Art Fair for 26 & 27 May 2017 at an amazing new venue "Hikarie Shibuya" which is located in the heart of Shibuya.

More than 150 exhibitors from over 35 countries will be filling the Hikarie Hall in 9F at the Hikarie Shibuya venue with an incredible display of contemporary art and thousands of artworks for sale. Organisers Natal Vallvé and his business partner Joëlle Dinnage from the Global Art Agency are making the fantastic (free) two-day art extravaganza a versatile art happening for the locals of Tokyo. A huge variety of artworks, offering every visitor something to suit their style, all in an affordable price-range to buy and to take home on the day.

Satoshi Maruhashi who is part of the organisation says: "I am extremely happy with the new venue, it will be a better atmosphere to display art."

On show will be paintings, sculptures, photography art, illustrations, printmaking, and jewellery, with a live painting and music show at the event.

“Almost 7000 people visited the event last year and lot of sales happened, so everyone was very satisfied. There was no doubt to organise a third edition, and we have worked very hard to get a bretter new venue in one of Tokyo's hotspots attracting art aficionado's from all over the world." said organiser Natal Vallvé.

"We have new talent exhibiting this year as well as some known names that exhibited other year, and of course there are the known New York Art Gallery who will showing Mr Brainwash, as well as Shane Bowden - also known as the Andy Warhol on steroids - who did very well last year." said organiser Joëlle Dinnage.

Ben Alan

Ben Alan

HIGHLIGHTS: Sinclair Watkins (USA), Shane Bowden (Australia),, New York Art Gallery (Japan), Krystal Glam Art Gallery (Japan), Ja Shang Tang (Taiwan), Shinji Horimura (Japan), Rachel Hope Allan (New Zealand), Hannah Theodorou (Thailand), Gianni Corda (Italy), Juan Moroni (Argentina), Angelika Kahl (Germany), AD-Reflex (South Africa), Shen Fung Lin (Taiwan), El Miedo (Chile), Yuri Zatarain (Mexico), Casey Freeman (Australia), Ben Alan (United Arab Emirates), Alisa Rawls (USA), Keiko Imaizumi (Canada), La Galerie De L'Instant (France), and many more...

Casey Freeman

Casey Freeman

The fair opens on Friday 26th May with a private view and Vernissage for invitees only starting at 18.00pm to 21.00pm (limited tickets are also available to purchase online). On Saturday 27th May the art fair is open to the public from 11.00am to 19.00pm with the Global Art Awards happening at 18.00pm that day announcing the best Artist of the fair.

Tickets to the Tokyo International Art Fair 2017 are free and can be booked online by going to their website www. The event takes place from Friday 26th May to Saturday 27th May 2017 at HIKARIE SHIBUYA, Hikarie Hall 9F, 2 Chome-21-1 Shibuya, Tokyo 150-8510, Japan.

For more information about the event and to visit please visit