Sakura Group

TIAF 2024 REVIEW - Tokyo International Art Fair 2024, Belle Salle Roppongi - 7th Edition

Thousands of art aficionados were eager to enter through the doors of Belle Salle over the weekend (Friday 29th and Saturday 30th November 2024 as Tokyo city hosted the third Tokyo International Art Fair organised by the Sakura Group.

The venue was arranged to perfection with over 100 artist and gallery stands from over 30 countries from around the world. The atmosphere was charged with positive vibes as visitors took in the wide range of original art available and took pieces they had purchased home.

Visitors were sipping away on champagne, whilst looking around to invest into a piece of original art.

Exhibitor Maki Nakana from Japan said that this was the best art fair she has ever exhibited. She was also interviewed by camera crew and received many requests.

Exhibitor Paulina’s Friends created a fantastic atmosphere the Tokyo International Art Fair 2024 and has been an amazing experience. She shown her fashion collection and wasn't sure what to expect, but was overwhelmed by all the nice comments. All in all a great event, thanks Sakura Group Team.

The weekend culminated in the announcement on Saturday afternoon of the winner of the "Best Tokyo International Art Fair Artist" in by both the panel of judges and members of the public.

First prize went to Nubian Art Gallery from Sudan. The second prize went to Mr AK from UK. The third prize went to Daryl Smith from USA. And the outstanding prize went to José Luis Ramírez Rodríguez from Mexico. You can find all details here

Organisers of the fair from the Sakura Group added their appreciation to the city's reaction to the event and the enthusiasm they found from artists and visitors alike.

"TIAF 2024 was a great success not only for the big selection of exhibitors from all around the world. It was a window of what's going on in the contemporary art world nowadays due the best artists " Tasha Curator said.

"We'll be back for more in 2025 and are already planning next year's event," they said.

For more information on next year's Tokyo International Art Fair and other forthcoming events, please visit Follow us on Instagram:

SAKURA GROUP puts Tokyo International Art Fair on a new high!

After six successful editions of the Tokyo International Art Fair the Sakura Group is taking over and puts the TIAF 2024 on an even bigger high. The Group has organised hundreds of art and culture events mainly in Japan, but also overseas. The team are expertise in combining the pleasure of art and culture to the Japanese art collecting audience.

Expect a new and diverse art trade show open to artists and galleries worldwide.

6回の東京国際アートフェアの成功を受けて、さくらグループが引き継ぎ、TIAF 2024をさらに盛り上げます。当グループは、主に日本国内だけでなく海外でも数百件の芸術文化イベントを主催してきました。ターシャ・ベルが運営するチームは、日本の美術品を収集する観客に芸術と文化の楽しさを融合させる専門知識を持っています。
