Menucha Page
Menucha Page was born in Lakewood, New Jersey, in the USA and currently lives in Jerusalem, Israel. She has pioneered a blossoming movement in Israel combining ancient themes of Jewish mysticism and scholarship, including the Hebrew letters themselves and ancient texts, with contemporary mixed media techniques involving painting, metalwork, and photography. Her pieces are large-scale and once meticulously detailed and at the same time macro.
If you would have to impress the press (TV/Radio) with your artworks – how would you describe your works in order to stand out from other exhibitors?
Each of the works combines the deep wisdom of a venerated thousands-of-years-old tradition with contemporary elegance that achieves a rare effect.
What is your definition of art?
I define art as beauty combined with some unique aspect that causes people to view the world in a different way than before they were exposed to the artwork. If it doesn’t bend the mind and inspire, it’s probably not art but more interior decoration.
Where do you get your inspiration?
I look into both the ancient Torah itself and into the natural world and try to channel and reflect the depth and beauty I find there.
Where do you see your art going in ten years?
I don’t believe in sticking with only one style and technique.While my sources of inspiration remain constant (because they are a real sense truly infinite), the artistic techniques and elements of composition I connect to change over time.That’s why art is never static and dull for me.In ten years, I’m fairly certain that my art will be recognisable but also recognisably different than it is today as well.
Which are your favourite artists?
I’m actually really inspired by some of Weimar German artist, Max Beckmann and Emil Nolde. On the other hand, my original inspiration is probably the biblical figure Betzalel who managed to tap into deep Divine knowledge to create the breathtaking artwork that went into the Tabernacle in the Sinai Wilderness.
Would love to exhibit my work in …
I have been inspired by the changes that are sweeping the Middle East. Today, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain are at peace with Israel. I would like to exhibit in Dubai and engage in the exciting crossover that’s occurring between Israel and the Arabian Peninsula today.
Should art be funded?
I believe that artists like all professionals provide something of value to the world, and because many appreciate that value, I see no reason why the government rather than private institutions and people should be the arbiter of what art gets funded and what art does not.
What superpowers would you have and why?
I appreciate the agility and manoeuvrability of Spiderman, and I also appreciate his sense of humour and his underdog status. But I also would like something a little more interesting and more spiritual, like being able to utter a holy name of God and instantly incinerate evil.