Artist interview with The Spilt Ink

Johnny (The Spilt Ink) was born in Detroit on a cold October night in 1977.

His first day home from the hospital was on Halloween

where helped pass out candy to all the

colorful ghouls and ghosts.

He was obviously doomed from the start.

Do what you love, love what you do, never listen to “NO” and never stop art.

Who would you like to buy your art? A famous person? What would you tell him/her about your art so he would buy it?

Anyone who is serious about my work can have it. I have had all kinds of people from all over the world get my work and I’m proud of that.

How would you describe yourself? And your artwork?

I’m the only person that I know who is like me and describing myself is like describing neon colors to a blind person. My work… Hmm… I guess you could call it electric lowbrow with a hint of sexy.

What drives you?

Good question. Many things motivate me, loud music (mostly punk and drum&bass) caffeine, the fear of failure and sometimes jealousy. Is that too honest?

What is your definition of art?

To each their own.


Where do you get your inspiration?

Mostly loud music, sometimes alcohol.

How do you deal with artist's block?

Keep on working, it’s a battle sometimes.

Where do you see your art going in ten years?

Can anyone truly answer this question?


Can you tell us what you have going on right now?

I just finished a European tour. I painted live at night clubs and had shows in Amsterdam, Paris, & Berlin. I wanted to stay but I had to paint live in Tokyo, which isn’t a bad thing.

Can you tell us what your 'Before I Die' is?

Honestly, I want to continue painting and expressing myself through my art. If I can continue doing that until the very end, I’ll be happy.

I know my artwork is finished when…?

Good question, sometimes it’s more than obvious and other times it’s not.

Best Commissioned artwork ever done was…?

I’ll answer that one on my deathbed.

Which are your favourite artists?

They rotate a lot but currently I am enjoying the work of Szukalski, Glenn Barr, Dragon76, and can I add myself to this list?


Best exhibition ever participated in…?

There have been quite a few good ones, I don’t want to say which one is my most favorite because I don’t want to bruise anyone’s feelings.

Greatest achievements so far…?

That’s a tough one too. Can I answer this one after the show?

Would love to exhibit my work in …

I’ve shown my work in a lot of places and with the internet it’s really seen all over the world but If I could show my physical work somewhere or paint live I wouldn’t mind New York or Hong Kong.


Artist Bio/Statement EXTENDED:

“It all started with Camel Cigarette ads and Iron Maiden records.”

Johnny (The Spilt Ink) was born in Detroit on a cold October night in 1977.

His first day home from the hospital was on Halloween

where helped pass out candy to all the

colorful ghouls and ghosts.

He was obviously doomed from the start.

In his youth, he didn’t pursue the usual

school activities, instead he spent countless

hours drawing Joe Camel ads, comics and

Iron Maiden record covers,

“They were my friends and I loved that they

were packed with action and color.”

As a teenager he moving to San Francisco to

attend art school. There he invested all his time in DJing, art and photography.

After graduating, he had a brief stint in advertising until he found himself unemployed due to the sudden burst of the

dotcom bubble. With nowhere to go and

nothing to do he was saved by his Japanese friends in Tokyo.

“I was invited out to DJ and hang out

for a bit, but then I fell in love with the city

and its art filled culture.”

At this time, he developed his current style.

Be it the excitement of the clubs or the electricity

in the streets, something exhilarating

happened to him and his art.

Since then Johnny has traveled the world on

tour painting live at music events in Amsterdam,

Athens, Berlin, Paris, Tokyo & the USA.

Johnny currently resides in Tokyo where he

focuses on new paintings for clients, painting at

music events, planning his next tour,

sketching at cafes and drinking.
